Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Peace be upon you.

The rain is pouring down in turrents, and i am warm and comfy under my oversized sweatshirt, eating cookie crisp and penning (or rather, typing) down my thoughts. Everything is right at the moment, minus one fact : I have raisins for feet. Haha.

Bleah. I keep having typos. Shivering uh. bLeah.

Basically this few days i have nothing to write about. No important events that i can read in years to come. yeah yeah. I know now its my Prelims and Prelims are important, but hell i sure dont wanna read about it in years to come and spoil my day. Heh.

Talking about prelims, tomorrow is my last paper!! Woohoo. Cant wait for it to be over! 5 days of Holidays, here i come! hah.

Got a few things lined up in the next 5 days. Last outing with Is (haish~), sheesha-ing (probably) with my dearest cuzzies at Cafe Samar, Emu2's bday, and endless computer internet usage. Yeeha.

Fuddys gonna sleep now.