My Class Mentor's like a teddy bear. He's round, hairy, smiles a huuuge smile with thick lips and has stubs for fingers. So cute! I cant help feeling happy in his lessons (econs, civics as well as IPW) even though he blacklisted me as i had skipped most of his econs lectures/tutorials in the first three months. haha!
My class seems to consist of a rather proportionate ratio of Chinese:Malays:Indians. Am very happy to see that the chinese seem to be english-speaking chinese. Lets hope it stays that way. haha!
So many hahas. Im in a rather good mood. Have finished up whatever tutorials/assignments needed for tomorrow and am very very glad. *chuckles* And the fact that me and the other half has cleared whatever murky water there was between us.
Whilst walking home just now, listening to GSC's Shake Yer Body, i actually bounced and sang loudly from the bustop all the way, not a care in the world about what the 5 people behind me would think. And i skanked in the lift. ahahaha. OK ive gone mad.
I am in such a good mood that i shoved aside my ego and am now chatting with ATIKAH on MSN! hahahahhahahha. ok i miss her. again. damn these opening dams.
Oh ya! the other half has bought an XDA II, the PDA phone and am gonna sell it for a 100 dollars profit. He's then going to change back to the s700i, and since he will still have 50 bucks left, i shall make him spend it on me! hwaha. ok jokes.