Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Less frequent and shorter entries ey? haha. i apologise. Been kinda busy with school, ever since school has "officially" started. The past two days has been a daze, myself adjusting to a new group of friends as well as the fact that the lecturer started on the 4th gear even though it was only the first lecture. bah! haha.

My Class Mentor's like a teddy bear. He's round, hairy, smiles a huuuge smile with thick lips and has stubs for fingers. So cute! I cant help feeling happy in his lessons (econs, civics as well as IPW) even though he blacklisted me as i had skipped most of his econs lectures/tutorials in the first three months. haha!

My class seems to consist of a rather proportionate ratio of Chinese:Malays:Indians. Am very happy to see that the chinese seem to be english-speaking chinese. Lets hope it stays that way. haha!

So many hahas. Im in a rather good mood. Have finished up whatever tutorials/assignments needed for tomorrow and am very very glad. *chuckles* And the fact that me and the other half has cleared whatever murky water there was between us.

Whilst walking home just now, listening to GSC's Shake Yer Body, i actually bounced and sang loudly from the bustop all the way, not a care in the world about what the 5 people behind me would think. And i skanked in the lift. ahahaha. OK ive gone mad.

I am in such a good mood that i shoved aside my ego and am now chatting with ATIKAH on MSN! hahahahhahahha. ok i miss her. again. damn these opening dams.

Oh ya! the other half has bought an XDA II, the PDA phone and am gonna sell it for a 100 dollars profit. He's then going to change back to the s700i, and since he will still have 50 bucks left, i shall make him spend it on me! hwaha. ok jokes.

Aint funny? im losing my touch. bah!