Tuesday, March 15, 2005

I recall the other half asking me

"In your memory box has nothing of mine right?"

And to that i had stood in silence, and drawled out a

"Yeah.. Nothing of yours.. Except for that letter you wrote on our blog and i had printed it myself."

He gave me a sheepish grin, and apologised. That meer question had got me thinking; after 9 months, how come he has given me nothing to put in my memory box? After much thought (and whacking my head in conclusion), i realised that the memories he gave me cannot be fit into a box.

The memories he gave me are everywhere in abundant; when i hold my handphone, i hold a posession that he had given me. The next time i hold a cue, i hold the knowledge and skill he had entrusted unto me. When i look around, i see the many things we have talked about. The better person i am now is because of his constant naggings.
And the list just continues.

Its not the material things that matter. Its not the things that can be held and kept in a box. Its the things that the person has engraved into your mind and heart. Things that you dont need something to remind you of it.

Am i making sense? Haha..