Peace be upon you.
Its raining again, every single day it rains. I could complain, but they say that the rain is rahmat Tuhan, so i guess i'd fare off better being thankful that Singapore has rain.
That was a load of bull im writing huh.
Its 1:31pm, and i just woke up from my afternoon nap. Snuggling in between the covers, with the sound of the raindrops, soft thunder & Padi, my teddybears in between my arms and my bantal busuk... I sure had a hard time prying myself from the bed. bleah. If only i can stay there forever. But no. I have responsibilities to carry out!
Like studying.
So, ive designated 2 oclock onwards for studying. Studying is such a pain in the arse, but hey, i wanna see myself in 5 years time sitting behind a desk in some building being a counsellor, so yeah. Studies. *sighs*
Is called me this morning, to wake me up. Im so embarrassed at times, having to have a boy to wake me up. Im a lady for God's sake! haha. Oh well, so he called, all bathed and fresh, and i? i was still swimming in my air liur basi.
Is: heloo. Dah bangon belom nih?
Me: hrrm?
Is: What time u plan to wake up?
Me: Now what time?
Is: 9.. 9:40..
Me: oh.
Is: So?
Me: 10.. Whats that beeping sound? (there was a beepin snd in the bckgrn)
Is: Mane i tau? Kk.. bangon..
Me: Hrmm.. Wat time you wanna go study?
Is: at 11 im going down.
Me: Hrmm.. k bye..
Argh! Im so stressed! the boy has been studying like crazy while i have been slacking. Bleah. But he has to study lah, considering he plans to go NJC or even (insyallah) RJC. i just plan to go to SAJC. So.. anyway, turns out that the boy was tinkering with his new hp, and found out he can record conversations so he was recording our conversation (thus the beeping sounds). Me, being sick and all, my voice was like Ella. hahahah. Dream on Fad.
I'll update again later on at night. Well, ive figured out that i want to be able to read about my life when im like 26 or something. So might as well make it a detailed one. heeehee. Damn. I should have stayed on hiatus.
Oh btw, Malihha. I was on the idea of saving ur pic and pasting it on the top of this entry today, but i couldnt find ur pic anywhere. haha. So, im sorry grrl.
And i was wondering, is the humongous amount of pics in this blog slowing down all your connections? hahha.
Nur Fadhilah Bte Wahid.