So anyway, all tags are replied at the conclusion of today's entry (which is going to be rather long due to the exceptional events that happened). So if you can't stand reading endless atrocious english regarding my life, please proceed to read your replied tags, or click the "x" on the top right hand corner of this page. Thank you.
As most of the JJC-ians know, today will be my last day in JJC (presuming i touch the oh-God-why-is-this-happening-to-me 20 points). So we decided to make the day last longer, and collect as much memories together as we could to last us a lifetime.
*dabs tears*
The day started of with an Economics test which was supposed to last for 45 minutes. However, since I didnt really get to study (I dozed of last night whilst reading Lecture Notes 1; page 2), I haphazardly did the eeny-miny-minnie-mo thingy, and finished the 20 mcq questions in 10 minutes or so. Spending 30 seconds on 1 long Economics question would make me a genius, or an idiot. I have a strong feeling it'd be the latter.
[ From L to R ] Sangitah, Salbiah, Hai Lin, Yvonne and me.
Since most of the class had finished their paper in 30 minutes, the teacher gave us an early leave. The Society rushed down to the almost empty canteen to have our Last Breakfast together, and then rushed up again for Maths A/O tutorial even though we at first planned to ponteng. We were 5 minutes late, but as usual, my charm managed to distract the teacher, and we were not given any scoldings.
A damn funny thing happened during the tutorial. As the 5 of us were crowding around 2 tables and making a helllotta noise, the teacher instructed Sangitah and I to sit in the row upfront, and for Yvonne to sit on the other side of the classroom. So Yvonne went off and sat at her allocated seat, whilst the teacher went on explaining about Logarithms and instructing us to copy things down.
Hai Lin then tapped Sangitah, and said
" Did you know that Yvonne had been sitting there for around 5 minutes without any of her stationaries or worksheets? She's just stoning!"
So Sangitah and I turned our head 90degrees, and true enough Yvonne was staring at the teacher with a blank look on her face, the table in front of her as clean as a pie, oblivious that by now, the whole class was looking at her. haha. Lamer. Ok ah maybe this does not seem to be funny for you readers, but you have to be there to feel it. heh.
Since there was a half hour break before the Revelation 2005 concert was supposed to start, the Society decided to proceed to Lecture Theatre 3, our official meeting point. Halfway through crapping, the 5 of us suddenly fell silent and in the silent air-conditioned room, we heard a rustling of plastic bags and bangings from inside the locked storeroom.
Hai Lin and I glanced at each other, eyebrows raised.
"Did you hear what i heard?"
The 5 of us then grabbed our bags and rushed out the room. As Salbiah fretted that someone was stuck in there, the 5 of us as well as Nazeera and Shamini went back in. We made noises and waited for the bangings again, but could hear none. In the end we left the room with ringing questions in our minds, as none of us could muster the courage to knock the door or something in fear of what lurks behind it, ala "Hide and Seek". Haha!
Balloons in the sky.
Smoke Machine.
Since the 1030am bell has rung, the 7 of us then hopped our way to the hall, where Ashrithaa (the Rhino), Suhanthi as well as Natasha joined us. Therefore, the group of 7 now metamorphasised into a large group of 10.
Hai Lin was MissinginAction, a usual occurence.
The bare hall had been transformed into a stunning place, even with minimum decorations. Blue and white balloons (which reminded me of Commonwealth Sec) hung from the ceiling, with glowing light sticks holding them down. Rows of dried ice were emitting a cool haze around the hall, giving a misty effect. The projector screen upfront was playing a video of our Orientation camp, and soft music greeted the students entering the vicinity. I was really touched by the effort put in by our dearest OGLs, who had their common tests around the corner.
These 3 darling OGLs as well as Onn Shaun, (who was missing in action as usual) had painstakingly cut out pieces of a styrofoam board, decorated it and transformed it into pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle. They then distributed a piece each to the group members. We then got together, and pieced the pieces together. Aww. Thanks OGLs. Muacks. Faddy loves you lots. One thing i am miserable about though, was that after piecing the pieces together, i totally forgot to take my piece back! I feel so evil. Sigh. damnations.
So anyway, all of us had a buffet lunch in the hall, courtesy of the principal (i think). After stuffing stick of still-panas satay and plates of noodle in our already filled stomach, we had another round of mass dance, which, sadly, was to be our last.
The ten of us took turns swapping partners (dance partners, mind you) and had a hellota fun shaking our asses and laughing at each other's zany antiques. Really. It was great fun even though we forgot most of the steps. I didnt even mind the huge sweat stain forming on my sleeve area. huargahah. it was THAT fun.
Penat, Naz? hehehhe.
So we then had our singing-singing etc, and then departed. Truthfully, if i am able to make it to SAJC or something, the only reason that will make it tough for me to go to SAJC will be the friends ive made in JJC.
Yes, im talking about you, Sangitah, Salbiah, Hai Lin, Yvonne, Nazeera, Shamini, Suhanthi and Natasha (even though me and Nat not that close yet). I love you guys to bits. Thanks for making me laugh like crazy every single day and making school enjoyable. JJC wont be much fun without you guys.
Muaaacks. Sayang korang.
Reply to tags:
Aziz: hahaha. Yeah the video is disturbing aint it? terok eh those sick minded tv broadcasters. pftt. and thats As-Syakirin. At Taman Jurong there.
Ditri: Oh maceh2. hehe. yerlah gi APM lah. haha.
Duan: hahha! Yes i am beautiful. wahhaha. and yeah i do love the song.
Jihan: haha. u too! anyway didnt seat next to Naz ah. So Salbiah had to go through the torture. im saved. hehe.
Kinky: Oh maceh2 for the compliment. Anyway, i oso donnoo lah wat day. So fening with all the rumours flying everywhere.
Kimmi: hahahha. terkutuk sangat ke APM? hehehe.anyway, aku memang dah tau dah aku semakin jambu hari demi hari. Kau dah fall in love ngan aku kan? sorry ah. Aku lup faris. Sorri eh kim? sorri eh? tapi kau senantiasa besfwen aku ok! hehe!
Malihha: erk beb. You just ikat like normal knot, then you twist2 ah. hehhehe.
Nas: I didnt get to see the artists faces properly! They were too far away! pfft. Gerhana Ska Cinta was ok only ah beb. Quite boring ah their performance, except for the real skanky bits. And faddy misses u too. Klua ngan Mal tak ajak. Pfft.
Ok i wanna sleep. Snore.