Thursday, February 03, 2005

Reply to tags:

Aziz: Like oh ma gawd! ur "boo" scared the shit out of me bro! hehe. kk joke2. anyway,i agree that im so freaking lucky. Alhamdulillah. heh.

Baby Ash: hahhaa. yah me and pig have kissed and made up. anyway, today was a good bonding session! haha! i so miss the pig.

Biodeth: hahha. thanks bro. betul tu.. kalau hujan saja, lemas kita semua. sigh. but hey, its raining now, and thats what matters. heh. alhamdulillah.

Ditri (kak): haha. iyaa, IS tu my other half. nama penuh dia Muhammad Faris. Jadi pendek jadi IS. heh.

Fana: Sort eh fana? hehe. anyway, krim salam the whole css dudettes for me! and cikgu hanitah/asnidah. i soo miss them both.

Kinky: Its ok dear, i understand PMSs are such bitchy situations. i myself am a walking example right now. haha! and you're such a dear! thanks for the contacts offer sayang! oh and not to forget, i am FREAKING lucky i noe! Alhamdulillah.

Lisa: Time is running out? btw hello how am i supposed to read ur LJ darl? its locked! and thanks for the advise dear, things are getting better. :)

Malihha: Wah beb you love me too much do you? hahha. i meet u there okey! nampak jangan tak tegur pulak!

Mira: hey there. sure i remember you. niway, thanks for the compliments! tagged ya!

Nas: Hey beb. ive relinked you aite.

Waga Waga: Heh i like the bands too! But i prefer the yellow one, the original one. But since this was given by the other half, i shall treasure it more. wahahha! 27 days... dats like days ago. now, o level results in 25 days! aaah~ and everything is settled between me and Is, thank you. heh. lastly, oh yeah i did have quite an adventure smalam! hehehe. fuh panjangnye reply. haha!