Can't seem to resist last minute blogging before i step out of my beloved house. How am i going to survive going to sleep at night without having my nightly medication aka blog-hopping? Sighness.
So anyway, my aunt gave me an sms
hahha. cute lah she. So i searched high and low in my meagre wardrobe, and really, really couldnt find any decent things to wear. My jalan2 wear consists of workish clothes (ultra formal) and erm... workish clothes. I mean, go to a concert wearing workish clothes? How am i gonna attract Taufik and the guys from Dewa? khekhekhe.
So i cried myself to sleep, and woke up 20 mins later, with an idea forming in my head. I dug into the pile of clothes lying around the floor, and found a non-formal-lepak-but-looks-ok turtleneck and popped it on. Turned my mom's wardrobe upside down looking for her long tudung, ironed it and tied it around my head. After a million unsuccessful tries, i finally got an end result that was unsatisfying, but acceptable. heh.
I think my aunt's gonna kill me when she finds out im wearing this. khekhekhe. oh well. *Grins*
The other half has gone for his full-dress play rehearsal at NYJC, and his hp has run out of battery life. We've not met for 3 days (inclusive of tomorrow). I am in a state of missing him. Burgh.
Ok im off. Here's a random photo of Sangitah (babe i spelled your name correctly or not) to keep you guys entertained while im gone. And for those who have not clicked the link in the last entry, please do so. Thank you, and goodbye.
Perasaan Bollywood.