Peace be upon you.
xx Doesn't expecting the uenxpected make the unexpected become the expected? xx
Btw, just refresh if the pics dont come out properly. But hey, you can view without pics too, although its much nicer with pics. wat am i blabbering?
Timecheck : 7:29 am (surprised?)
Brrr. Its so cold this morning, i can practically hear myself shivering. Is is supposed to be online right now, passing me yesterday's pics, but yeah, DSL connection can be rather unreliable.
Why am i up so early? haha. Cuz after my
sahur, i slept, only to be waken up at 6.15am by a screaming mother. "
Bangooon!! Belom solat subuh!". So i woke up, cleansed myself and did my prayers. Whilst nodding off to dreamland, i heard a rather familiar grumble from my stomach, and a sharp excruciating pain that kept poking me. Egad. Its the time for me to poop. So poop i did.
Woke Is up so that he can pass me the pics, as i couldnt wait to blog, so here i am. Without pictures of course. Lets just hope he manages to go online before i finish typing this out. Or you guys will have no eye candy.
*ping* yay he's online.
Oh yeah. Permission for a digression.
Happy 4th Month to us! haha.
So anyway, lets talk about yesterday, starting from the horribly done chem prac to the sleeping time. get ready your bolsters evryone, i think this is going to be one loooong entry, full of emotions and crapness. (as usual)
xx Chem Prac xx
So chem prac sucks, big time. I mean, like half of my class lost (4) marks because we couldnt attempt a question. and do you know why? Cuz we are not taught! eeeeesh.
Geram aku. I heard that other classes were taught, so they breezed through that (4) marks, but us? us? aaaaaaah! Kebush. And i wrote aluminium as an answer, when it was actually Sodium. Blistering Barnacles. Luckily i got my QA right. Sulpate my saviour. yeeha!
xx Hall Quarantine xx
This started off quite well, with me, Raja and Claire studying at one corner as good students do during a quarantine period. But hey, Claire being Claire started to receieve all the energy in the world and she made us sit at the other side of the hall where the rest of my mates are. Den Raja went off with Subathra, to continue studying, much to the dislike of Claire. So me and Claire were left to drown ourselves in huge doses of Sum41. Halfway we got bored, so we called on Raja and the three of us plus the others played this zap game. Its like someone will zap you, but you dont do anything. Instead, the two people next to you will say "Aaaah." After they say "Aaaah.", you zap someone else. So the pace goes faster and faster till someone gets confused and rolls dead on the floor. So halfway we changed the "zap" and "aaaah" to "Ms" and "Nor". Inside joke lah. We have this teacher who's name is Ms Nor, and she's a eurasion-malay fusion i guess, so she speaks with this accent. Whenever she enters the class, she goes "hey hey Ms Nor is here~~" in a very sing song manner while shaking her body. haha. So cute. So we played that Ms Nor game till we had our sides cracked and the whole hall's eyes looking irritatibly at us (You dont know those nerds). haha. Oh Claire and Raja gave me this:
Eek. They said i place love in front of friendship. Truthfully, i may have neglected them a lil these past few days, what with studying with Hakim and all. I have divided my time properly between Is and my friends, but in friends, Hakim was there and i totally find it hard to go out with Raja and Claire. Cuz its like i'll have to watch them eat? haha.
Oh well, im sorry guys. I'll make it up to you k? i promise. I still love you lots lots. You guys have been there for me throughout my ups and downs. Im really sorry.
(Ok you guys may ask "Whats with the "Your Dick is too small" and the aliens-mars stuff. I told ya that my classmates call me alien, cuz they said i look like one. And therefore i have a dick and a vagina. *kedush* and not to forget antannaes. haha. Oh well.
xx Meet at 5pm at JP xx
So i reached home at around 3pm, and slept a lil till 3.30pm. I then did my rather late Zuhur prayers and got dressed. All of us planned to wear all black, so that we can pretend to be ninjas. erk. hahhaha. I reached JP at promptlyy 4.45pm, the early bird, as usual. Then i saw Is, who was wearing a rather vulgar T-shirt (which looks rather nice btw.)
Then Kimi came along, wearing a *Gasp* Mendaki Tshirt.
While Nas and Farez adopted for a thorough all black outfit. (note that Farez looks like he has saggy boobs. hahah)
Before Nas and Farez arrived, i received an sms from Farez, saying "Eh i will be a lil late, i just woke up.. " And the time was like 5pm. Me kim and Is were like.. oh my gawwwd. But hey, he lied. 5 mins later the black couple arrived smiling like monkeys.
xx Aboard 174 and at Beauty World chachacha xx
The 5 of us opted for the back row, which seats perfectly 5 people. From (L) to (R): Kim, me, Faris, Farez & Nas. So the whole bus was continuously bombarded with endless eruptions of laughter, mostly sparked by Nas and Farez. For example, we waved to passerbys, but not one waved back, until the bus stopped next to a construction site. We then waved to the Banglas, who surprisingly, waved back. Doesnt sound funny, but you have to be there to reallyu soak in the mood. Hoho. Oh and do you know that Starbucks was actually named after "Sarabat"? nOw you know.
We then got off at Bukit Timah, with Farez being up to his nonsense again, acting like a retard. Rather convincing i guess, with his extreme actions and the retard voice he used. Ironically, Kimi pointed out that the MINDS building was very near to us, so we joked about sending Farez home.
Upon seeing that it was only 530 pm, we entered Beauty World and loitered around. nothing much to say, due to the nothingness of the building. Except there was a point of time, when a shop owner's dog was loose and ran after us. Nas me and Kim were like *klik* dispersed in one second, accompanied by horrified shrieks by Nas and me. haha.
xx At Al-Ameen xx
We then decided to make a move to Al-Ameen, but since it was rather early, we decided to scour through the stretch of road. Upon reaching Bee Cheng Hiang (The bakkwa shop), Farez asked the shop assistant, "Excuse me, is this Halal?" hhahaha. But the person he asked was quite selenger, so we didnt get much laughs cuz of his reluctancy to answer. Then there was this malay gal beside us, who shouted "Cibai ah!", accompanied with the finger, to her fren. Another middle-aged chinese lady who was near us looked up in shock and disgust, then looked at me. I acted all shocked and angry too. hehe. After getting bored and tired, we entered Al-Ameen at around 630pm.
After pouring through the menu, it was time for us to choose our food.
I ordered a Nasi Pattaya. (Had a huge craving of it.)
Is ordered Nasi Daging Merah.
Kim ordered a KwayTeow Goreng.
And Nas and Farez decided to share $6 worth of Sup Tulang.
So whilst waiting for the
azan to commence, we just fooled around and took loads of photos. For example,
haha. And so after endless clicking, the
azan was heard, and so we digged in.
Bismillahirahmanirrahim. Allahummalakasumtu wabika amanntu wa'ala rezkika aftatu birahmatika yaarhamarrahimin. Ameen.
I guess everyone was real hungry, cuz during the eating session, we were like so quiet.
When everyone was done with their main course, we continued our crapping session, which, if i was to elaborate, will take up 10 years for you to read. So i shall skip that part. But there was one time where we sang a birthday song for Hakim (although he's birthday was in August. ahakz) and we had the attention of the customers in the shop. Nas and Farez then decided they were still hungry, so they bought a cheese prata and an ice-cream prata, which looked like this after it had been devoured.
After breaking into another round of Happy Birthday song, this time for Is, and having a confusion over the bill with an uncle who kept shaking and reminded us of the Alleycats, we then proceeded to the arcade opposite.
xx At the Arcade xx
I dont have much pics for this, as Nas was the one who took the pics with her camera. But we sure had a great time playing para-para. Yes. Para-para. Turns out that Kim and Farez are born para-para dancers. After almost losing, we all decided to chip in and guard one sensor per person. haha.
So yeah, it was 830 by then, and i had to head home. Is wanted to send me home, so he also decided to go off. Kim too decided to follow us while Nas and Farez, upon remembering that they still have school (aww you poor dears) decided to go home as well.
At the bus stop, there was this one time where Nas took Kim's phone, and didnt want to return it. Kim decided to make a grab for it, and so Nas ducked, and placed it at her boob area. Then someone went (i think it was me) "
Ayoo.. nanti malam2 hakim bau. hahha" again, we erupted into another fit of laughter, much to the amusement of the bystanders.
xx Aboard the bus 174, again xx
All of us were like so pooped, but it didnt stop Farez and Kim from indulging in a round of gayism,
whilst Nas slept,
and me and Is snapping away.
So yeah, i reached home at around 930pm, and surprisingly, did not receive the earload of naggings which i had anticipated.
This has GOT to be my longest entry ever. I took 2 hours. feeweeeit. haha. So i shall end it here. Reintroducing the stars of todays entry,
Kim Farez Nas
Faris and Fadhilah.
Nur Fadhilah Wahid.
Timecheck: 9:22 am
P.S. Go wipe your drool.