Peace be upon you...
Im starting on a clean slate. Im censoring my words. Friends, relatives, chatters, bloghoppers and the works; You happy now?
I have a question to ask. What's so wrong about a ferring listening to punk rock music? Its just music, just opinions. I dun follow their lifestyles. Im a straight-edge. I dun smoke, dun drink, dun do premarital sex and i dun even do gigs! Is it just so wrong for me to pump punkrock music in my ears? Gawd. I dun understand you guys who think that ferrings have to listen to soft classical music and have to act like a saint 24-7. Im human. I have human feelings. Haiz. Forget it. If you're trying to convert me out of punkrock, forget it. Your words will enter in one ear, and out the next. Period.
Anyway, im back from Malacca. I spent RM 180 on a Rancid Cd, a Tipe-X (indon ska band) Cd, a studded belt and band (for those who are screwin their faces, im not gonna wear it with my ferrin attire ok?), a few buttons, playing pool, a black Hp cover and some groceries. I guess overall, the best part of the holiday was just chilling at the balcony facing the sea with my best cousin Anz and talking. Or staring at her when she was asleep, cuz i just luv her so much (in a cuzinly way of course). And shopping. God, shopping rocks.
Got here a lyric from one of Tipe-X's song which reflects sumthin (Its in Bahasa Indonesia. Apologies to those who dont understand):
Title: Sst...
Created by: Yoss & Tresno
Biarpun begitu banyak orang yang mengusik
Nggak perlu takut, nggak perlu gentar
Walaupun banyak orang yang cuba menerka
Biarkan saja Jangan fikirkan
Lakukan semua yang bisa kita lakukan
Tunjukkan saja, semampu kita
Memang terkadang berat rintangan yang menerpa
Jangan pengecut, kita hadapi
Ceritakan padanya tentang tegarnya kita
Walau batu karang menghadang jalan
Bersama kita terjang
Punkrock Ferring.