Give it up for Mr Taufik Batisahhhhh. First Singapore Idol. Wooh Singapore voted for talent after all. So happy.
Hmm. Just a thought here, what if its all politics? Like for example Singapore's President. 1st President = Malay. 1st Idol = Malay. Then all the years to come.. other races. wahahahhaha. Siao.
So anyway, just got back from Claire's Crib. Sigh. My heart broke when i had to leave them. Sigh. So when my daddy's lorry arrived, the three of them (Rhino, Pig and Bulimic) stood at the gates shouting (begging) "Ibu ibu ibu. Ayah ayah ayah". hahhaa. That doesnt make sense. Oh well. hahahha. So right now they're enjoying themselves. Meliza and XiuLi joining them later on, as they are now stuck somewhere near the Indoor Stadium and cant seem to get a cab (doh). sigh. how i wish i'm with them.
Darl's not having a good day in camp so it seems. I miss him loads. Hope he comes out fine. Sigh. Faddy's talking as if he's in Ns. damn. I so dread his going to Australia. Can't even sms.