Monday, December 27, 2004

I have absolutely nothing to blog about today. Just went to the library and stuff. Therefore, ive decided to give a free advertisement to a picblog of my cousin, Abang Azhari.

Lalala. He's one of my more handsome cousins lah.

But can be fugly when he wants to.

I like this one. Can be used to make raya cars "Eid Mubarak!". hahaha!

Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeesha. hurhurhur.

Clickety clickety click.

Lelong lelong di sungei road.

Xiuli! This is Astrocenter!

Ssh. Granpa sleeping.

Ok lah one more of his selfpotraits that i like.

On another note, i am very depressed about the tsunamis and earthquakes that happened this past few days. I don't think any natural disasters around this region has been this horrible. I fear for the tall buildings in singapore.

Sigh. May the New Year bring about a better future. Insyallah.