I had loads of things to blog about but now i've lost my mood.
Again and again, this tagger "Fart" implied countless times on Acik's blog that i'm seeking publicity for my blog. You know what.
I hate it.
I don't understand how i've wronged towards that person. I just don't get it.
I don't understand how im publicising my blog when i dont even put my addie and stuff. Gets on my nerve. Perhaps i should use a nickname when i tag?
Just like "Fart". A person cant be named Fart right? oops im making a deduction here. I apologise. I afterall, can't read minds.
Oh and to avoid any further "tagging drama", i'd like to request any bloggers who has my link, but doesnt read my blog, to delete the link. Thanks.
And "Fart" if you're reading this, add me on msn. skategurl_88@hotmail.com [[im not a skater, and i dun intend to seek attention by using this email. ]] I need to discuss your intentions by making those comments. Thanks.