Saturday, December 25, 2004

Yes, i admit i'm full of self love. I don't care what you all say, but i say i look nice up there.

In the words of KinkyKin (who, was very nice to me this morning. Thanks kin),

"You look very Waheeda."

hahahahha! That girl can be so entertaining at times. Comparing me and Waheeda (that Malaysian singer cum actress) is like comparing a flower and its thorn. heh. Funny lah you kinky.

I have been bloghopping the whole day, due to my depressed state (which is now gone). One thing i realised, is that quite a number of Malay/Muslim writers keep on stressing on the joys of the festive occasion.

No no. Not the past Hari Raya Puasa, nor the upcoming Hari Raya Haji, but in fact, the present Christmas (Hari Natal). The presents, the carols, the wishes.

Not that theres anything wrong... Just disturbing cuz it seems as if they embrace it more openly then they embrace their own festive occasions.

[[ Dear Claire (or all other christians), this is not a public outcry against christmas. heh. and to all of you Christians or Catholics (if catholics celebrate christmas, that is, "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" Hohoho! ]]