I absolutely abhor being waken up in such a manner
a) Its rude.
b) Its damn frigging irritating.
c) It usually causes me to wake up in such a shock, that my heart beats really fast and it hurts.
d) Since i have low blood pressure, i cannot go from lying down to sitting up straight in too fast a time. By banging the door and shocking me, causing me to sit up straight, my vision is blinded for around 20 secs, therefore allowing me to open the door only after 20 seconds. 20 seconds which, were full of more banging and screaming from the other side of the door.
That was a terrible wake up call. If i happen to be sleeping in your room (not applicable to any guy reading this, of course), NEVER wake me up in such a manner.
Rather, i'd like you to sit beside me, carress my hair/forehead, and whisper lovingly
"Fad... its already morning. Wake up please. I've made you pancakes and toast. Come.."
At which, you'd tug my hands lightly to pull me up.
On another thought, i wouldnt want girls to wake me up in that manner. Its just wrong. So i shall leave that wakeup call i suggested to anyone who plans to wed me. wahahahhaa.
So anyway, im just too lazy to get to Taman Warisan today. Loads of household chores to complete, too little time to do it (if i go to Taman Warisan, that is). Floors to mop. Clothes to hang. Rooms (more like my room) to clean. Dishes to wash. Plants to water.
So Taman Warisan is cancelled, again. Bleargh.
I *might* meet the other half for a while later on, as i still have not gotten back my Discman, the bear, the *giggle* tidbits and clock.
Hahahaaha. Ive gone bonkers.