Wednesday, December 08, 2004

A quick reply to the tags before i go bathe (hehe. yes, i noe its already 2:03pm):

Huarghahahha. Next time when ure with me on the bed, try to restrict your nafsu ah. Im not Farez u noe. hahahha.

"Y in some pic u're in tudung and some not? Is it a trend? Concept? Or what? Just curious."

First of all, i couldnt help smiling when i read that. haha. Ok so here's the reason, im a tudung wearer 95% of the time. Not due to any concept laws, or any trends, but because i choose to do so.

At times im not ready to commit myself full time to the tudung, but i'm well on my way there. Usually i dun wear the tudung when im going for an activity which needs alot of movement, like swimming etc.

Insyallah, one day i'll be able to wear the tudung full time, irregardless of where/what im going to do.

Btw, isnt it good if wearing tudung becomes a trend? Cuz den all the minah populations will start wearing tudung to become "in". But then again, whats the point of wearing tudung if ure niat is to attract guys. hmm..

Waalaikumsalam.. thanks for dropping by!

I miss you kinky. Sigh...

Better start thinking faster, cuz more of PGL is coming up in entries in the near future! haha. I'm still caught up in my own self-made PGL hype.